The national reliability overseer, reviewing EPA’s proposed GHG controls, describes planned reliability assessments as part of its ongoing analysis of potential implications. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation raises concerns about the ability of power generators to meet proposed timelines, saying “compliance levels and timelines in the final plan should be harmonized with the timeline necessary to develop and implement the resources and infrastructure changes” that emerge in state and regional plans. It tells the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that it endorses a “reliability safety valve” as an “assurance mechanism,” believes reliability services “may be strained” and thinks “more transmission and new operating procedures may be needed to address risks to reliability.” And it describes an ongoing a three-part “detailed reliability assessment,” targeted for release early spring – a sensitivity analysis using a variety of scenarios “to identify resource adequacy needs as well as the timeline associated with reliability reinforcement”; a “transmission adequacy assessment,” including identification of needed infrastructure upgrades; and “independent evaluation of existing studies by industry stakeholders,” to determine “cumulative impacts on a region-wide basis.” NERC also plans two additional assessments: a December 2015 report, described as a “conventional reliability assessment based on known requirements,” to help states and regions as they develop plans; and a report, after state implementation plans have been filed with EPA, to include “a more granular reliability-focused cross-section of regional and single-state” plans. Target date if December 2016, “subject to change if EPA’s schedule shifts.”
EPA is proposing emission guidelines for states to follow in developing plans to address greenhouse gas emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating units. On October 27, EPA issue a notice of data availability (NODA) and solicited comments on some specific issues within the proposal. EPA also issued a proposed rule for existing units on tribal lands. The comment deadline for the proposed rule for existing sources and the NODA is December 1. The deadline for comments on the tribal lands' rule is December 19.
View the proposed rule in the Federal Register
Date Posted: June 18, 2014
Notice of Data Availability (NODA)
Proposed Rule for Existing Sources on Tribal Lands
Date Posted: October 28, 2014
EPA is proposing emission guidelines for states to follow in developing plans to address greenhouse gas emissions from modified and reconstructed stationary sources.
View the proposed rule in the Federal Register
Date Posted: June 18, 2014
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