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EPA Defends 'Beyond-The-Fence' Approach In ESPS' Target Setting Method

A top EPA air official is defending the agency's greenhouse gas rule for existing power plants from critics' charges that officials used an unprecedented “beyond-the-fence” approach when EPA developed its methods for setting state GHG targets, saying the agency conducted a similar process as it did when it crafted other rules under the same section of the Clean Air Act.

Top Official Builds Defense For Moving Without Congress On Climate Deal

Todd Stern, the State Department's top climate negotiator, is building a defense for a likely decision by the Obama administration to withhold the upcoming Paris climate agreement from Senate ratification, arguing that the agreement will not call for legally binding emissions targets that require approval from lawmakers while rejecting Republican claims that any deal would establish external enforcement of U.S. climate actions.

EPA Stepping Up Efforts To Address Asthma Risks From Climate Change

EPA is stepping up education on the asthma risks of climate change, arguing that rising temperatures and more frequent extreme weather that result from climate change will increase outdoor and indoor air pollution, worsening triggers for asthma attacks, such as greater ground-level ozone and increased mold and pest presence in homes.
Related Story: Scientists Ask NAS To Help Address Climate Attribution Studies' Uncertainty

Despite Limits, 'New Nuclear' States Said To Favor Rate-Based ESPS Plans

Three Southeastern states building new nuclear plants are said to favor rate-based compliance plans for EPA's greenhouse gas rule for existing power plants, though observers argue that a much larger pool of states will ultimately opt for mass-based plans, potentially restricting the Southern states' market for selling any excess emission reductions.

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