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Dateline: Paris

New Paris Plan Shows Deals On 'Low-Hanging Fruit,' But Major Issues Remain

PARIS -- Ministers negotiating a global climate change accord here have reached general agreement on some “low-hanging fruit” provisions, including when countries will review and strengthen their greenhouse gas commitments, but a new draft text released Dec. 9 shows several critical issues remain to be decided -- including climate finance, mitigation, the long-term goal and how the pact would differentiate between developed and developing countries.

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As U.S., China Agree, India Takes On Elevated New Role In Climate Talks

PARIS -- With the United States and China, two long-time rivals in international climate policy, in agreement on several key issues during ongoing United Nations climate negotiations here, India is taking on a new role as the most influential developing country at the talks on critical issues, including the agreement's long-term goal, the timing of future reviews and financial assistance for poorer countries.

Novel Study Finds Wide Disparity In Countries' 'Ambition' To Reduce GHGs

PARIS -- A first-time study released here finds wide disparities in the “ambition” of countries' greenhouse gas reduction pledges to the United Nations climate talks, prompting calls from the researchers for a strict review mechanism to assess commitments while underscoring critics' concerns that developing countries like India and China are not doing enough.

Read the full Dateline: Paris report

Senate GOP Staff Seeks To Sow Doubt Over Obama Climate Pledge

PARIS -- Republican Senate staffers are meeting here with officials from countries that may be willing to back their opposition to President Obama's climate agenda, including those from Poland, India and others, sources say, in a bid to sow doubt about the validity of the U.S. greenhouse gas reduction pledge, as well as mitigation and adaptation funding commitments.

Seeking Speedy Ruling, Critics Ask DC Circuit To Split Issues In ESPS Suit

States and industry groups that are seeking to overturn EPA's greenhouse gas rule for existing power plants are asking the appellate court hearing the case to bifurcate the litigation, suggesting an expedited briefing schedule on “fundamental core” legal issues to allow for a ruling likely before states must demonstrate their initial compliance next September.

Court's CEQA Ruling Expected To Bolster California's GHG Analyses

The California Supreme Court’s decision that state regulators should have found the greenhouse gas emissions from a massive residential housing development proposal to be “significant” -- and subject to further analysis and mitigation under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)-- is likely to force government agencies to strengthen such assessments for future development projects.

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